This year the annual halloween party was on Friday, October 29th and it was hosted by Larry and Christine......It was a lot of fun!!!

Lots of yummy food!!

Christine greeted us all at the door!!!!

Larry the Count and you can see a little piece of Grandma Hartpence....She was a padre fan!!

Jamma, the pumpkin.....or I could have been one of those pumpkin candies

Mike, Brianna and Oliva.....our favorite halloween treats!!!

Chris and Angele...the tourist, Cami a little witch, and Bryson a cowboy

Hayden, the tortoise and Holland the Hare.....Ricky and Troy are the Referee's......who do you think will win the race???

Dean a transformer, Bryson a cowboy, Hayden the tortoise, Olivia a tootsie roll, Camie a little witch, Elliott an old man, Alena a ballerina, Holland the Hare, Adriana a ballerina

Pumpkin contest....didn't get a picture of Mike and Brianna's and Olivia's. All of the pumpkins were well done and very creative!!

The winning pumpkin....Ricky won with Hamburger delight!! Yes that is real lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo and mustard!!