Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

It's a question you're asked all the time, "Paper or plastic?" What's the environmentally correct answer? "Neither." More than 380 million plastic bags are thrown away in the United States every year, and those plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade in landfills. And while paper bags do eventually biodegrade, an estimated 14 million trees a year have to be cut down to make 10 billion paper bags. The solution? Bring your own bag to the store.

In commemoration of Earth Day yesterday, Ricky and I are challenging you to stop using store bags, and to bring your own! We have made the switch and it is really easy and good for Mother Earth-just keep reuseable bags (you can find them now at almost any store) in your trunk and voila! You have them when you need them. Also, many times we get a bag because it is a "habit" but when we are buying smaller items, you don't even need a bag and can just carry it out!


TRICKY said...

P.S. Ricky wanted to comment that 1/2 of those billion bags say "Albertson's!" =)

Rachel said...

What a GOOD idea! About how many bags do you guys have or need for your grocery order?

TRICKY said...

We actually have 3 large reuseable bags in each car. If we do go on a large shopping trip, we will take the 6 just in case!

People always thank and compliment you and sometimes they give you a small discount for bringing one.

On a little shopping splurge, I'll just throw the items into the diaper bag instead of bringing one.

A lot of stores will be doing away with bags (Costco) or start charging you so we figured we might as well get into the habit!