Friday, February 15, 2008


What a Fun Time!!!

A few times a week, after Alena gets out of school, we will take the kids to play at Jamma and Papa's park. They really love going over there! They will play for hours outside on the swings, the slide, and riding bikes. Today Dean played so hard that he came in the house, put his head down on the computer chair, and began spinning slowly in circles. Within just a minute or so, he was sound asleep. We took a picture and I moved him for fear of him taking a dive onto the kitchen floor.

Those days were definitely fun, when you could play outside all day and come inside and crash because of utter exhaution.


MARLA said...

Oh my goodness this is so dang funny. He is so cute. I miss you guys so much. Can't wait to be able to play with the kids. Love you!

Rachel said...

That is hilarious! I do remember those days playing ALL day in the backyard. And having my mouth covered when I would cry over some injury inflicted by Ricky. Mom would make us come in if we cried, and that was the last thing anyone wanted, to have to come in during the 6th inning of the wiffle ball game. Those were the days!

Jamma said...

It's fun to have little kids in the back yard again!! I love it