Thursday, April 3, 2008

(A) Lena, Lena, Lena

I miss you Alena. I found a picture of you today and carried it around all day and said, "Lena, Lena, Lena." Thank you for being my friend and for being such a good, sweet cousin to me. Congratulations on your new sister, she's so lucky to have you as her big sister.
I love you!


MARLA said...

Hey C... what about me? Do you miss me? I know i sure miss you and Alena too... and you too Dean and yes of course you too Hayden!I love you ALL... like a fat kid loves cake! hahah!

Cristian said...

you know I miss you auntie Marla. I miss you all. I love you all . . . like the flu bug loves me.