Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Baby it's COLD outside!


Jamma said...

Looks so cold, but you both look so cute. I love the hand prints and your cold little piggies!! Love you!!!

Moreau's said...

Put some shoes on! It is like 19 degress here in the UTE! Just looking at those bare feet, make my teeth chatter! And yet, Kathren wore high heeled flip flops to school today! I could not tell her no. She wants it to be flip flop weather. Who doesn't?

TRICKY said...

So Fun! Those pictures actually make me want to go to the snow! I hope you guys had some hot cocoa waiting for you!

P.S. I still want a hot cocoa maker but Ricky thinks it's just another silly thing to store. I think he may be right because I think we'd be storing longer than actually using it. But, I still want one!!!

Rachel said...

that wasn't probably the most responsible thing to make poor Cristian stand in the snow barefoot.

Troy, there is NOTHING like a hot cocoa maker. Maybe see if they discount them after the "winter season" I promise you'll LOVE it and it'll be worth storing.

Kathren is so cute. I actually wore flip flops out the other day and everyone thought I was crazy.