Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So the other day I was just rummaging around in Jenalee's closet and low and behold I found this... Its like a mask for a monster... or maybe a blindfold for a giant... Does anyone have any guesses of what this might be? I think I have just made a great and life changing discovery.


Jamma said...

Wow!!....I think I remember someone calling those.."Over the Shoulder Boulder holders" or something like that. Is that a good answer?? You are so funny. I love ya!!!

Little Larry said...

I think it is a hat for siamese twins!! I am not sure who was pictured behind the newly discovered item, because the face was covered by half of it.

TRICKY said...

Can I borrow it for Halloween next year? That is a way cool mask and should scare all the kids!

Moreau's said...

Yucky!!! Stay out of that girls closet! I have one word for her--Reduction! hee hee

Rachel said...

Larry, I told Marla the EXACT SAME THING over the phone after I saw the picture. Wierd!

Maybe Dad could use it as a sling shot, but not aim it right at Ricky's mouth. A rock that size would do more than break a tooth.