Sunday, November 11, 2007



Good luck with your knee surgery. I know everything is going to go great and you'll be back on your feet in NO time! Get well soon, so you can chase me around at Christmas. We're all praying for you. WE LOVE YOU!

love, Cristian


Jamma said...

Thank you Cristian for sending me this message. Christmas can't get here soon enough...I can't wait to be chasing you around and playing with you. It will be good to have everyone home. Thank you all for your prayers. I love you!!!

Rachel said...

I love you Mamma. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Jamma said...

I love you too Rachel. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I know everything will be Okay and I will be up and around soon. I am so blessed to have a great family.

Little Larry said...

So you all know. Do you remember when we were kids and Mom would be mad at us yelling at us to to something. Do you remember how her voice would change when she had to answer the phone? That is exactly how Mom sounded yesterday when she called to tell me that she was doing well and home from the hospital. That voice broght back many memories of the MOM who could change her voice at the ring of the phone.
Did anyone else receive that call? It was good to hear her is such good spirits.

Rachel said...

I actually received a similar phone call. I asked "are you still drugged up?" I'm glad you're doing well and that you have a top chef to make you gourmet breakfast every morning.